Hypnosis can help

Hypnosis is basically relaxed awareness. It is a trance. It bypasses your blocks and biases to reach your true self.

Over the years you have built up layers of protection for your inner self. Those protective layers are usually a good thing. But if you want to make a real change, you have to get deeper than your conscious awareness.

  • Listen daily to increase your weight loss success.
  • The audio recordings take only 15 minutes to complete.
  • Don’t forget to choose the background music.
  • Listen at bedtime for best results. The program still works if you accidentally fall asleep while listening.

Subconscious Brain

Your conscious awareness only processes a fraction of the information that is around you everyday. It would make you crazy if it wasn’t filtered. Some things don’t need to be remembered. Do you really need to know the mechanics of how to work your muscles or kidneys? But your subconscious takes in everything. It remembers everything. It collates and stores the information in case you need to access it later.

Your subconscious is a powerful force.  And over the years, you have trained it. You have developed your tastes and talents, your laziness and negativity. It controls how you sleep, interact with others, and how you deal with life. Unfortunately your subconscious can be trained by outside influences that don’t care much about your physical or mental health. 

There are a few key ingredients that make the hypnosis sessions successful.

You have to become relaxed and aware of the present moment. I do this by telling you a story filled with sensory words, helping you to be aware of your body. Deep breathing, visualization, counting, repetitions all calms you until you are in a peaceful place.

The next thing I have to do is get past the guardian. The guardian is there to protect you from this scary world. But he really wants the best for you. In the induction stories, I acknowledge and placate the guardian. He is always welcoming when you are relaxed and calm.

I use key hypnotic words and phrases. This includes using calming words, counting, and breathing.

Towards the end of the induction, you meet something that represents wisdom and love. You agree to listen to their advice so the changes you want to make are easy.

After the induction, I will talk about the main subject that you wanted to learn about. Since I am talking to the subconscious now, some of the stories might seem silly. But the subconscious learns from symbols, images and emotions. And when writing this part, I carefully use my intuition to figure out the right symbols for the job.

I may leave some post hypnotic suggestions for you in this part. They are ways to wake up and call on your subconscious and help it remember what to do.

The last part of the recording needs to have an ending that transitions you to awareness. It is like putting the guardian back and putting your conscious mind back in charge. I like to call these outros as an homage to my musical background.