Lose Weight with Less Hunger

Can you lose weight and be less hungry?

I’ve recently started a new diet. It is going well, but some days I feel so hungry!  I have also been learning about what makes your feel hungry and how to deal with it better.  After writing and listening to this recording, I have felt much less hungry during the day even while eating the same amount.  I only feel hungry when it is time for a meal and I don’t stress about eating.  So I hope this recording can help you lose weight with less hunger.

In the past, humans needed to store extra fat against future famine or illness. But since we live in a world with plenty of food you don’t have to eat as much. At first your body might send more hunger signals when it senses weight loss. But now, since you do not need to store excess weight, your hunger signals will decrease and normalize. You can trust your body to signal you when you need to eat and you will learn to better listen to your body’s cues.

Jump Start your Diet

Listen to this recording to jump start your diet.  You deserve to be fit and healthy. You can lose weight and be less hungry. So use your natural hunger signals to help you eat healthy levels of food.